Hi I'm Chloe, a recent graduate from USW I specialized in stop-motion fabrication and animation! I love making and designing characters, but also learning about new techniques and materials to better my practice. I love working in groups projects but also like to work on my own from time to time. From my three years at Uni i have had the opportunity to work as a group and have learned new ways to make our puppets, from twisting wire to soldering our very own armatures. My next step in my journey is to enhance my new skills and to learn how to 3D print and create replaceable faces! if you would like to check out my work here are some links!
youtube :Search 'Chloe Williamson Animation': https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5b4mQHIwAOAGa_NooNOZDQ instagram: https://instagram.com/chloe_williams0n?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=